on July 23, 2019
I picked 18 mimosa plants,3 different species I found along the east coast this last week.. A couple of them didn't like the transplant so much but most of them seem to be doing great already. Any tips for growing these?
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T rex ophora
I use willow trees for root enhancer. Cut some green willow whips(branches) and put them in a bucket of water for a day. Then use that water for watering. The willow has a natural root hormone that works wonders for transplants.
Like July 24, 2019 Edited
Like August 3, 2019
T rex ophora
Oh yeah and those willow whips will start rooting in the bucket, so go plant them and you’ll have more whenever u need!!!
Like July 24, 2019
Nice little trick man! I\'ve never heard that one before. The willow thing. That great white is expensive.
Like July 24, 2019 Edited
That is a gorgeous collection of plants!
Like July 24, 2019