on July 29, 2022
Love these albino melmac… so beautiful
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Its a weekend long festival that revolves around the education and awareness of mycology and what the mushrooms can do.
Like July 30, 2022
, MycoFest is a weekend long festival that revolves around the education and awareness of the mushrooms and what they are capable of. If you google "MycoFest 2022" You'll see a bit more info about it. Its being held in Telluride Pennsylvania from 8/5 to 8/7.
Like July 30, 2022
So far I've seen it referred to as MycoFest as well as MycoSymbiotics Mushroom & art festival. I suppose it doesnt matter as long as the message comes across and gets us there. Icculus will i see you there? I'll be wearing a camouflage baseball cap with a sticker on the brim wtih my profile image. ... View More
Like July 30, 2022
Joey Green
IamUrMe ..... No sweat and I understand what you mean ..... Im far from an authority upon anything and I'm only smart enough to cause myself trouble. The bluing is an oxidation reaction and not caused by genetic pigmentation ..... So even true albino ones will bruise blue and discolor. I was more ... View More
Like August 1, 2022