on June 25, 2022
Black Garlic bred by Oni Seed Co
Comin down soon.
Dimension: 1200 x 900
File Size: 279.13 Kb
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Joey Green
Lambs breath's definitely Jamaican ...... and a solid 12 -16+ week flowerer! But having said that ..... much of what commonly circulates as Lambs breath is likely at best a hybrid and not the original Jamaican landrace. Many that have grown it ..... will attempt to cross it with faster flowering ge... View More
Like August 10, 2022
My bad it was Lambs Breath! I had it in Jamaica back in 2008-2009... I think I heard them say both Lambs Bread and Lambs Breath... might've just been the accent or me being baked out of my mind..
Like August 11, 2022 Edited
@joeygreen I was just thinking about long flowering plants didn't realize they were being pushed aside I have seen information on those as well as people complaining about how long the growing process in general is.. most people want to harvest as much as they can.. I hope I think that the good gene... View More
Like August 11, 2022
Joey Green
JoseyWales ..... dont be so quick to concede..... Ive heard it called both. TBH, whenever I visit Jamaica, it can be tough to understand the fast words, use of slang and the island accent all combined. I know folks that use either term both in the USA and Jamaica.... View More
Like August 11, 2022