on June 24, 2022
Is this the best option for a 1 hit blast off and should I also get the ceramic coils?
Thanks in advance!
Love & Light to all
Dimension: 540 x 1200
File Size: 46.75 Kb
4 people like this.
Direct stainless steel e-mesh on a regulated mod is my favourite way to vape.
Like June 24, 2022
This thing is dope for wax I know that wear it around my neck often. I can only imagine with demm. And they say donut coils they are right best even for the wax!!!!!!!!
Like June 25, 2022
If you get this then make sure the donut coil fits it properly. I prefer the Yocan Orbit. No need for a special coil. It comes with a built in "cup" that gets heated from below. I've always had 1 hit blast off with the orbit. It's also super easy to clean. A few q-tips and a little alcohol and it's ... View More
Like June 25, 2022