on May 23, 2022
Yes I'm spamming your main feed to show with a lot of trial and error and a lot of learning you can achieve anything you want to. Ain't gonna happen overnight but keep at it. Yes these are all past pics as we jump into the next phase of things I want to do which is keep growing fungi, but switch fully to the medicinal and gourmets that are not frowned upon by the great lawmakers. I have confidence in my mycology work just need to keep pushing. Kinda applies to anything you choose you would like to do. Practice and consistency are key. Weird how seems like mountains may form right in front of you. May seem as a way to stop you. Yet this is an illusion. You know what you are and if what your doing is right or wrong. May be confusing at times but keep the journey and listen to your kind. Believe in it. Have some faith and let the light shine. For the only thing I can control is myself. Thanks to all the great people who've been wonderful on dw and in every day
We love and appreciate Y'all.
And if ya are not having a good day, don't let a bad hour ruin a whole day. Stay blessed y'all.
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