on May 4, 2022
Hey everyone! Hope youre having a great week. So i was given this bag n my bud that gave it to me literally eat the same ones in front of me. He was fine. I just feel the ones I've singled out especially look a tad too gray or fluffy? Any wisdom would be highly appreciated. Mush love yall
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Thank you so much. It looked liked mold to me a little so I cut it a bit and it looked like grey padding like one youd find in a firearm case or something like that. I appreciate it though! Hope alls well. Mush love
Like May 4, 2022
Lookin good to eat. I wouldn’t worry about it
Like May 6, 2022
Thanks everyone! I munched them and for an eighth they were pretty decent. I spoiled myself by not going below 5g in a year + but they still gave me their love and engaged a slight reset. Mush love lady n gents
Like May 9, 2022