on April 29, 2022
Hello everyone, I hope everything is copacetic and your time is flowing exactly how you want it to. So, in this picture I show a blue myrtle, and also named blue candle cacti (Myrtillocactus Geometrizans.) Does anyone have some information on this awesome looking species? Thank you so much, Im reaching for the wisdom. Mush love!
Dimension: 725 x 1200
File Size: 47.7 Kb
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I was hoping youd be the responder. Does is have San Pedro qualities? I remember hearing there was a sister Cacti to it and it had a blueish tint. They look very similiar so I was wondering if this was the one.
Like April 29, 2022
It does not hold the keys like san pedro does
Like April 30, 2022
Alright, thanks man
Like April 30, 2022
Keep it man. It will help you later
Like April 30, 2022