on April 25, 2022
Our #1 Rejuvenating iTorus! Quoted from The Book of Stones (‘Crystals Bible’), out of 455 known energy crystals, “Seraphinite STANDS ALONE as the premier healing stone of this age.” This ultra rare Piezoelectric SiO2 Quartz Gemstone, quarried from just one place in the world out of Siberian permafrost, is hand-inlayed into the iTorus over a core of C60 Shungite and Rare Earth Magnetite to produce our most technologically advanced Tachyon Vortex generator! Seraphinite has been shown as the exclusive mineral that can strip pharmaceuticals out of waste water from recycling plants due to its incredibly balanced quantum particle spin, achieving what no man-made filter is able to do, as medication particles are literally smaller than water particles. Correct your water, and your DNA, today. (This is description for my model purchased)
The iTorus is the world’s most advanced Pulsed Tachyon BioRejuvenation® vortex coil that generates a powerful square-wave centripetal field, similar to Tesla’s Bifilar coil NASA employs to deliver subsonic PEMF therapy on returning astronauts from space.
What’s different is the iTorus amplifies these signals by millions of times stronger through secondary emissions using Superlooping Bidirectional Tensor technology braided both ways across the torus.
For Science Geeks
Here is where the real magic happens: The counter-rotating free electrons entering the device in separate stereo channels now synchronize together into what are known as symmetric vortex pairs (which act much like two entangled-yet-opposed tornados that generates an energetic hyperbola). This incredibly unique energy toroid can be thought of as laminar anionic spin; a frictionless environment where harmful electrons become whole-ions through a process called Cooper Pairing. In this energetically harmonic state, the vacuum results in an antigravitic zero-point Meissner Field as generated by superconductors or triangulated sonic signals that become one through sympathetic harmonic resonance. What ultimately results is a true self-imploding wavefield reaching the incredibly unique state of coherence known as the singularity.
Within this field, biological cells come into perfect balance, known as Triplet Spin State. Here is where Tachyons are created which move at superballistic, faster-than-light speed known as superluminal. Such particles overcome the fields surrounding your cells, placing them into a form of stasis which allows them to fully relax, no longer fighting against gravity or the surface-tensions of space.
This also reverses the quantum field of time and allows each cell to begin producing new stem cells that help other cells to revert back to their original genetic blueprint as found in a fetus, prior to the traumas experienced through aging.
Referring to the progenitor of this new technology, Dr. Oz stated on a recent televised production; PEMFs work to reduce pain, inflammation, the effects of stress on the body, and platelet adhesion, improve energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, sleep quality, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, the uptake of nutrients, cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells. It also works to balance the immune system, stimulate RNA and DNA, accelerate repair of bone and soft tissue, and relax muscles.
Dimension: 900 x 1200
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