on July 16, 2019
Good morning from me and the ladies In the flower room. Ignore the dirty floors. Today is cleaning day xD
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Thank you guys! This is just my first harvest of the babies I grew from seed. They served their time as mommas and now it’s almost time to let them go. I’m not crying. You’re crying
Like July 16, 2019
@sixthdimensionalbeing congratulations on your first grow!! A phenomenal success!!♡ high fives all around!! And yeah, the first cut is the deepest. 1f614.png Seriously though, I totally agree with OmniLux that harvesting is part of taking care of them. I always find that focusing on conveying my intent, and... View More
Like July 16, 2019
Thanks @friend! Not my first harvest tho. Those were just my very first momma plant babies! They are almost a year old
Like July 16, 2019
@Sixth ohhh I see. Totally misread that. Lol i was stoned and missed it. 1f609.png
Like July 16, 2019