on March 29, 2022
hey there friend, how ya been? Visited a greenhouse the other day and these guys were just chilling being all majestic and I thought of ya. Do you know what these guys are?
Dimension: 4608 x 3456
File Size: 191.87 Kb
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Hanging in there man! Hope you and yours can say the same. Thanks for thinking of me, it truly is humbling. The cacti are some kind of cereus species. First one may be cereus repandus, the second one maybe cereus jamacaru. All the cereus just look so similar lol it kills me
Like March 29, 2022
Happy to hear it and we been peachy as well! And thanks for the knowledge, man. I still don't know much about cacti but I'm learning. Trying to be a cactus papa here soon
Like March 29, 2022
My cactus babies have made me so proud. I highly suggest taking that step my friend, but i know it happens when the time is right =]
Like March 29, 2022