on March 26, 2022
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I stand with K.B.R and Halliburton. I have been a D.O.D contractor in three war zones and that $$$ right now could get me the reset I need.
Like March 28, 2022
As long as you pick a war profiteer or two and stand with them, everyone will think you care and that you know shit
Like March 28, 2022
At least I am helping to rebuild what we blew up... lol. Sadly injuries will never allow me to return. 1f62d.png
Like March 28, 2022
So tragic. Our amazzzing media is literally setting up hollywood-esk movie set settings and making things like wayyyy worse than they already are. - They are pros at this. Look how quick the boogyman went from covid on the news 24/7 to now war mongering propaganda. The "left" used to be pro free spe... View More
Like March 28, 2022