on March 13, 2022
Hi all, I've posted this on the main feed yesterday as the journey on DW encompasses more than this group. However, the aha moment came after reading up on Jung here, checking video's and listening to his audiobook. I really do want to send my deep gratitude to you for helping me get there and the chances of it not being read in the main feed are substantial which is why I hope you will forgive me for posting it twice. Now begins the original post. Hey fam, I had an incredible realisation. Let me take you on the journey here at DW which led me to it. It is about a year ago I started with yoga exercises on a daily basis. The transformation of both body and mind have been very enriching to my life. A few months later I was helped onto DW by the beautifull soul we all know as Innervison and have since then been helped by many of you, which is hartwarming to say the least. I picked up books for the first time in years after being recommended them here. In the first weekend after starting to read in the way of the Psychonaut by Grof, I had a massive green out by consuming a spacecake with a, for me, heroic dose of THC in combination with a low dose of Jedi Mind Fuck and had an actual mind fuck where I called 911 as I was convinced I would die. Needless to say, I didn't. But I found its resemblence with the bpmii stage as described by Grof striking. What a timing to have such an experience in about 20 years of mind altering substance use. Yesterday I started reading on Jung here in the group dedicated to him and decided to listen to the audiobook of man and his symbols. I've come to the conclusion I have looked for anwsers to my psychedelic experiences in the wrong place. Coming from an education in chemistry, it is in the world of logic I have sought in vain for explanations for the deep mystical experiences I have had on DMT and psylocibin. It now strikes me that the visions of divine female entities emiting beams of life and that of grand gold Mayan temples can be thought of as symbols from the unconsious workings of my psyche. Aditionally, real life events that I felt like I have dreamed them before they happened dont seem so weird anymore. My Yoga teachers often say 'Yoga teaches us that we are always exactly where were meant to be'. Amen to that. Thank you all for helping me get there. Thank you all for being here. Down the rabbit hole we go. Mush love ❤️
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Good stuff! Love hearing about peoples integration and growth. I just started reading the red book by Jung. Its good so far his reads remind me of Platos dialogs. This place has helped me grow alot. I love what your yoga teacher said! That is 1 of the ideas my last mushroom trip was trying to say to... View More
Like March 15, 2022
Thanks ! 2665.png Yes it is astonishing how fast one can grow in a supporting and loving community. Happy to hear you share that experience. Thats awesome man! Powerfull mesage from the mushroom. What made you decide to pick up the red book? You got me interested in Platos dialogs now btw 1f60c.png
Like March 15, 2022
I was suggested the red book as 1 of the "best" Jung books. Also 'A modern man in search of the soul' was suggested by Jung. Definitely check out Platos Dialogues. They are very good.
Like March 15, 2022
Nice man! Sound like solid recommendations. Will definitely have a look, thanks for sharing 2665.png270c.png
Like March 16, 2022