on February 23, 2022
Thanks alot for the idea gaia, checking this out tonight cause I gotta lot of work to do for the network
Dimension: 1200 x 900
File Size: 104.08 Kb
10 people like this.
Great space indeed... im still in mid battle to have my own lil room, but as it goes, im still getting greif for "the place looking like a factory" because i have to cram it all in one side of a bedroom.. 1f609.png
Like February 23, 2022 Edited
Same here, stopped forrrrr idk a few years i think myself, too much going on like buying a house having a baby(8 months now), new job. But it was weird i kind of felt them calling me back like beckoning me to grow them again, and torally agree im delving in again full on and mush on!
Like February 23, 2022
G funk, your time will come just gotta wait. I tend to actually be very happy when i do all this and shee sees that and i think thats why she caves in.lmao
Like February 23, 2022
Ha ha, yeah mine used to used too..×) lol
Like February 23, 2022 Edited