on February 8, 2022
Does anyone know if these work for extracting… tried 2x with xylene and lighter fluid already.. now im trying naptha..
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The lye crystals look fine. The naptha is unfamiliar to me. Evaporate a little bit and check to see if it leaves behind a little film, or residue. Be careful as the residue may be clear. Side note- the lighter fluid you "tried" with before was likely naptha. If you use the naptha first on mhrb. You ... View More
Like February 8, 2022
I quit using jasco brand naptha cuz it leaves a very small amount of residue. Use Klean Strip brand its the best that ive tried so far.
Like February 8, 2022
I tried twice already. First time with lighter fluid and someone told me i possibly got my bark from a bad source so i ordered it again from a different source. But only 20g of MHRB and then i believe i diluted it down too much in the water. Either that or the xylene i used to extract didnt work. So... View More
Like February 8, 2022
Playing with the quantity of water will only impact your ph levels. Make sure you monitor the ph (10-14) If you use xylene, you will not be able to freeze precipitate.
Like February 8, 2022