on January 26, 2022
9 hrs into freeze and no crystals ???? gunna try pulling more after work tomorrow if no crystals end up forming close to 22 hrs. Any thoughts on why im not pulling?
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In your last post suggested swirling more often or you wouldn’t pull much. That sounds like a good place to start. Good luck.
Like January 26, 2022
If i was you had add more lye to your vessal re pull it with that naptha wilst still warm from lye then evap half of the naptha if you blow on it it should milk up thats when u wanna freeze it
Like January 26, 2022
Your trouble might come from solvent brand. I've found big differences in crystalisation behavior between naptha brands, had similar issues as you. Your bottle looks black enough, dont think its too litlle NaOH. You can check if the solvent is holding spice, put a little bit on a plate and evaporate... View More
Like January 26, 2022 Edited
How much bark was used also. Your better off doing big batch 500g or so do 3 long acid boils.(vit c powder rocks) combined all the boils. I let cool overnight then coffee filter if you have just say 5litre of pure red goodness. Simmer it down to 1 litre or less. Let cool put in vessal then base. You... View More
Like January 26, 2022