on January 23, 2022
Dimension: 715 x 1040
File Size: 76.22 Kb
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Life goals
Like January 24, 2022
Joey Green
Been searching Amazon for an hour and cant find it!
Like January 24, 2022
Joey Green
If my parents would of got me this chemistry set as a kid instead of the one they did buy me ..... Perhaps I wouldn't of blown up their shed!! ..... That'll learn them!
Like January 24, 2022
Joey Green
Haha Carinspoorhead! That would of been preferable! ..... The one I got had all kinds of warnings concerning NOT mixing certain chemicals ..... Naturally being the curious kid I was with tendencies to always seek a "why" towards any blanket statements of prohibition ...... First thing I did was to s... View More
Like January 24, 2022