TJ Bloom
on July 12, 2019
I've waited a long time for this. and now that all of my work is complete, materials gathered, and now fully able to fly, my nervousness is increasing significantly.
what to you do to cull the preflight jitters?
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TJ Bloom
no real secrets or insights. just a lot of.. I don't know how to explain it. a lot of shit happening in a short amount of time. a few beings, but no communication with them. they were just showing me that they were there. they seemed really, playful. bouncing around and twisting and turning and flip... View More
Like July 14, 2019
Yeah, it's hard to use language for an experience like that.
Like July 14, 2019
TJ Bloom
that shit was fuckin crazy. I want to go again.
Like July 14, 2019
Like July 15, 2019