on January 4, 2022
Hey everyone i’m new to this site! I didn’t see people getting many replies on the myco groups so thought i’d put it out into the feed - i’m a broke boy with a still air box and was wondering if any of you have success opening bags to shake and inoculate without a flow hood. Just tried my first ever grain bags, i’ve always used jars in the past but am switching.
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 236.69 Kb
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Yeah I ended up shaking it outside the SAB anyway it’s not really doable. I get told all the time I use way too much grain but my friend and I seem to get waaaay better yield with 4-5lbs grain than 2.5-3lbs grain per 66q tub
Like January 4, 2022 Edited
I was gifted these bags too not my ideal bags. Prolly gonna buy 14A
Like January 4, 2022
For grain spawn try to use bags with a ‘T’ filter (0.2) micron. They keep more contaminants out. A filters are more for fruiting blocks (0.5) micron. I use 10T bags for spawn myself.
Like January 4, 2022 Edited
The bag sizing and numbers honestly confuse the shit outta me. I wanna put 4-5lbs spawn per bag but it’s hard to know which is for what. I did actually know about the filters thank you though I was gifted these bags just gonna run them then get better ones
Like January 4, 2022 Edited