on December 31, 2021
First time grower. So stoked. Had some ups and downs but man what a feeling to harvest my own! ????
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 161.59 Kb
30 people like this.
Keep doing your thing brother! You're doing a fantastic job so far1f44c.png
Like January 2, 2022
CaLi Uso
Im n00b…. These do look Burmese, but dont resemble PE in any way from what ive seen. You sure these are BPE?
Like January 3, 2022
@CaLiUso Its what it said on the mss syringe i ordered, i really dont know either way but like i said theyve been good to me!
Like January 3, 2022
CaLi Uso
@skeevy83, as long as theyve been good to you…. names dont really matter. You made it to end. Congrats!
Like January 3, 2022