on December 12, 2021
Hey Y'all! I know its been a bit since I've last made an update but Ive been hard at work getting these babies to stay alive the past few months. We've got 2 Skywalker OG's ones 3.5 months just switching to flowering and the other is almost 2 months and we've also got a Black Widow at over 2 months. This is my 3rd attempted grow in the past 6 or so months, the first was eaten by my cat (4 little seedlings all 3 weeks old ;( ) , the second got completely devoured by a swarm of gnats and aphids and whatever else was in there (4 little seedlings almost 2 months old ;( ) , and this ones actually been going pretty damn good so far (fingers crossed) the only problems I can note were nutrient issues and a small gnat infestation at the beginning that Ive eliminated now but that's been about it besides a few Aphid stragglers but I have a very big sugar ant colony around my house and if y'all didnt know sugar ants bascially breed aphids so they can get honeydew from them so I expect a few stragglers here and there. I have set a chemical boarder around my house to keep both ants and aphids away and I spray my plants with Neem oil usually once a week or everyother week so lets hope no more stragglers want to straggle. Old SWOG hasn't busted out her pistils just yet but I do feel like she'll be ready any day now I hope! Kush luv DMT fam!
Dimension: 4160 x 3120
File Size: 285.47 Kb
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how big it is?
Like December 12, 2021
Big SWOG is 4ft/122cm exact tall from soil to top cola but is elevated with stones so it reaches the sun better and those stones make it 5'5'' with a leaf span of 2ft/61cm tip to tip with largest fan leaf measuring 10in/25.5cm long. Little SWOG is 21in/53.5cm tall from soil to top with l... View More
Like December 12, 2021