on November 28, 2021
I was cleaning our new car today and found this bag with combination lock stuffed under the dash. I was like what!?! So of course I cut the lock off and I found a baggy inside full of pink tablets with the snapchat ghost logo stamped on them. The internet say it's pressed ecstasy
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Hey..... Throw them away in garbage..... Dont ever consume nothing if you dont exactly know the source and of course trusted source..... Throw them in garbage........ View More
Like November 28, 2021
Definitely. Already flushed them. I've heard too many horror stories about people taking something they didn't know what it was
Like November 28, 2021
Flushing drugs is a bad idea for a multitude of reasons. You could've tested them and found out if it was X or not. Imagine the universe giving you a gift and then flushing it down the toilet lol
Like November 28, 2021
I know you were doing what you thought was right though. Just next time dont flush down the drain. It's really bad for the environment.
Like November 28, 2021