on November 26, 2021
Entered what appeared to be the FELINE KINGDOM the other night.
After 4-5 tokes off a dmt pen with 45 mins of Wim Hof meditation pregame - very dark room.
I saw a cat woman/Goddess dance to the Funky music I was bumping. Bastet is the Egyptian feline Goddess and I wonder if there's connection and origin.
Jist of the trip was to honor the divine feminine in my life.
Anyone else been here?
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One time I did 7g of shrooms, and about 10 mins after consuming them, when I closed my eyes I saw a statue of a cat, made of black stone. This was right at the start of the come up, but it was surprisingly vivid. The trip that followed was full of cats everywhere, snuggling up to my ankles etc. T... View More
Like November 26, 2021
I don't have that vivid of a gato but in every DMT experience Ive had a silhouette of a cat sitting watching me as I lift off sometimes it gives me the finger.
Like November 26, 2021 Edited
Trippy insight my friends!
Like November 26, 2021
I have 2 girl cats under a year old both. I got the 2nd one a few days after the dmt trip, she was a random surprise for our family too.
Like November 26, 2021