on November 25, 2021
Follow MarkHeadsNFT
MarkHeads is an NFT Project that allows you not to just help Mark become successful but to join in his success. The goal is when the Mark dreams brand pulls in any form of income whether it's from music, the books hes writing future speaking and music gigs, the mark dreams merch and the many other mark Dreams projects coming in the future. Will get split up between Mark and the MarkHeadsNFT Holders. We will be a community of dreamers So this isn't just about me it's about becoming a community to help eachother out in what ever way we can reaching out goal together building our best lives togther. Building a community of supportive people to help eachother in what ever way we can. There will to many opportunities to network and as the community grows there will be so much more we can do..helping eachother live our the best lives
#nft #nftmusic #trippy #psychedelic #markheads
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