on November 10, 2021
Dimension: 4032 x 1816
File Size: 92.23 Kb
9 people like this.
Capitano Sours
Those onws on the left def worth the losses really though. Or if you wanted to cultivate trich you have about the most perfect specimens possible lol they look mean dawg
Like December 17, 2021
They all cleaned up okay after a couple more transfers so I was actually able to avoid any losses and it was a lot of fun just to experiment and see what grew. My favorite plate to date was one I did end up having to scrap early on - the syringe was so contaminated, the rhizomorphic growth i got fro... View More
Like December 22, 2021
You've got some work to do. I think it'll end up being ok.
Like December 22, 2021
funny story. I had a PE dish almost ready to completely colonize but then I spotted the black plague of contam trying to fight the mycelium. So transfers I did and they are taking off well! I can't wait to see what I'll have going on!
Like December 22, 2021