on November 9, 2021
Grow little babies, grow! :D
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ja, growkit 1f642.png das sind golden teacher. Ich schreib dir mal kurz ne private nachricht. Ist echt cool, dass ihr sowas grĂ¼nden wollt. In DE oder? Kann man da die legal verkaufen?
Like November 10, 2021
Sarek this is a ready to use growkit i bought legally. It comes in a plastic box and with a plastic bag to put over it. The bag has some holes with filters. Only thing i have to do is open it every 2 days and spray water on the sides of the bag. Growing for lazy people 1f600.png
Like November 10, 2021 Edited
i always had luck with golden teachers, also from different vendors. the others i tried were never so good
Like November 10, 2021
Like November 10, 2021