on November 4, 2021
Lets go
Dimension: 1840 x 4000
File Size: 150.78 Kb
6 people like this.
Rolling up dmt in L’s, ima definetly need a trip report for this one!
Like November 5, 2021
Paul Mai
Smoking dmt in a joint is possible, I did 1 time with around 0.25g on acid with 4 other guys.. Amazing
Like November 5, 2021
Wiw this blew me away, laying under a willow tree. Tasted like crap but after 3rd draw u di t give a shit. Insane visuals , hexagons everywhere , reality folding in on itself. I took 4 deep lugs and held in each for 20 seconds. I just about managed the 4th then layed back and began the journey.
Like November 5, 2021
The tobbao and spice were mixed in a small pot first ising a chopstick. The tobbaco becomes very sticky and completly infused. The crumbs u see on top is the spice left behind in the pot that i sprinkled ontop
Like November 5, 2021