on October 31, 2021
Hola, Happy Halloween all. if anyone is interested i'm doing 30% off sitewide. And here's some genetics for the day- Lake toba indonesia
Dimension: 423 x 560
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Obviously bag tek you're not going to get as big of flush because there isn't enough space as a mono but yes it works very well. i've done testing a few diff ways- Coir, colonized, coir, colonized, coir---- coir, colonized---- colonized, coir, colonized, coir----coir, colonized, coir. It seems the c... View More
Like October 31, 2021
Do you just throw the bags in some type of fruiting chamber or do you put micropore tape on the top or something like that?
Like November 1, 2021
Hola, yes there is micropore tape on the bags but yes into a tub for colonization keep bag closed and for fc bag open with tub walls misted
Like November 1, 2021
Like November 1, 2021