on October 31, 2021
Billy mf Strings!!! My neck hurts from the constant head bang. No regerts
Thank you for always making every moment memorable. I love you so!
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They're so fucking raw! I may have only gotten 2 hrs of sleep last night and im kinda paying for it at work atm but it was worth it.
Like October 31, 2021
I just saw 3 nights of his at Mission Ballroom 2 weeks ago. Wow!!! His act has evolved so much. Melts your face completely off…might be the highest energy act going at the moment!
Like October 31, 2021
Beautiful moments with my beautiful person :’) I cant explain how thankful I am. I love you beyond! It was so much more than I imagined it would be. I cant wait to go again!!
Like November 1, 2021