TJ Bloom
on July 6, 2019
my maiden voyage. both excited and nervous at the same time.
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File Size: 2.59 Mb
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TJ Bloom
it's like I started the car, put it in drive, went ten feet and stalled out..
Like July 7, 2019
Ozric Starshine
Use an oil burner or dab rig. Vape pens are lame
Like July 7, 2019 Edited
Dont think of it this way Caroline. It is hard to understand even to me, but these medicines work on us in mysterious ways. We think we control the outside world, but we really can\'t change anything but our own self. This was a test. You got past your nerves! That\'s the hardest part right? No one... View More
Like July 7, 2019 Edited
Jeffrey Loubouski
Like July 7, 2019