Aurea Lilut
on October 17, 2021
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Not woke, awake. "Woke" is a joke.
Like October 17, 2021
Hahaha exactly! The matrix have so many layers that when we realise we find a truth and expand the consciousness it gets broken and we find another truth, deeper, inside that one we thought we got before. I love it! It's about humbleness to realise we know absolutely nothing. Everything is an illusi... View More
Like October 17, 2021
Aurea Lilut
I have seen myself with love in everything, grateful at least on earth not being a puppet of companies and being in the matrix program without any question. thanks for comment, within medicine, plants, dmt, etc. it is shown that it is a transmute until reaching nothing, being in the void or in peace... View More
Like October 18, 2021
Like October 18, 2021