on October 7, 2021
“Lana, dreamwork sounds cool but my dreams are SO RANDOM…” ⁣
It’s true, dreams can seem really weird and you can feel totally confused about what it all means.⁣
Even if you have multiple dreams each night, it won’t matter if you can’t understand what they are trying to tell you.⁣
Actually, despite how random you might feel like they are right now, ALL of the imagery and information in your dream actually has a specific purpose.⁣
That classroom back at high school you always find yourself in?⁣
The random kid who you haven’t actually seen in person for 10+ years?⁣
Yup, all these repeating patterns are trying to tell you something really important.⁣
Luckily there are some incredibly simple strategies to decipher what it really all means.⁣
And it doesn’t include using random dream dictionaries online that tell you weird mystical messages that have absolutely nothing in connection to your life⁣
By using this strategy, I’ve had students tell me how understanding their dream content has provided them with breakthroughs equivalent to 10+ years of therapy! ⁣
It works. It’s super easy to implement. And you'll experience HUGE REALIZATIONS with this method.⁣
If you can understand what your dreams are showing you, you can:⁣
- Work through old patterns and mindsets - ⁣
that no longer serve you⁣
- Solve problems in your business & personal life with ease⁣
- Have a greater understanding of your own psyche & processes ⁣
- Feel super clear about decision making and the next steps in your life⁣
This blueprint works whether you are a total beginner to dreamwork, or if you’ve been enjoying thinking about your dreams for years.⁣
If you have no understanding of your dreams, you are missing out on so much GOLD every single night.⁣
I’m excited to share how you can understand what your dreams are trying to help you achieve!⁣
The free training will be LIVE in my new Lucid Dreaming & Lucid Living FB community tomorrow at 11AM MT / 1PM ET / 6PM BST⁣
What characters, environments, emotions, or objects do you find repeatedly showing up in your dreams this season?⁣
Let me know ???? and see you for the training sesh?⁣
Love & lucidity,⁣
Lana ????
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10 people like this.
This is so crazy. I have so many dreams I have begun journaling this year- because I do believe they have symbolic messages I’m meant to decipher. Last night another one poured in leaving me in a stupor. I have started keeping track of the moon’s phases and have noticed interesting patterns I’m stil... View More
Like October 7, 2021
That's awesome! Love that you've started journaling and noticing the symbolic messages! We can receive so much insight so I'm exited to share the training with you once the edits are done 1f600.png Should really help you with making sense of it all!
Like October 13, 2021
My practice I always say is called lucid dreaming AND living as I'm all about interweaving the two realms of awake and asleep. It can be really jarring when they feel worlds apart! Sorry to hear of the passing of your grandpa - you may experience a visitation dream with him! Those are actually some ... View More
Like October 13, 2021