How I went from a drug addict dropout to running the business of my dreams in under 24 months:Not long ago I was:-So confused about my purpose in life-Working 7 side hustles at once to just get by-Had a monthly income harder to predict than the weather in COI wanted to just give up so many times.The only thing I had the energy for was sleep. Luckily, my lucid dreams turned out to be what completely transformed my life.Less than 2 years later, I write this to you as someone who's:-CEO of the business of my dreams (lucid dreaming pun intended ????)-Gone from $0 - $60K+ months with a tiny audience-Pioneering scientific lucid dream research-Creating breakthrough business strategies whilst I sleep-Added 30% more time & energy to each day-Waking up feeling clear, lucid, & motivated-Able to immediately rewire psychological blockages that no longer serve me-Running retreats on psychedelic dreamwork practices-624 days alcohol-free-350 days drug & sugar-free (still using psychedelics & eating cakes whilst lucid though :P)-I’m the fittest, healthiest, & happiest I’ve EVER beenHere's how I did it:SYSTEMS THAT SUPPORTED MORE THAN MEMy lucidity practices are what supported me throughout. I developed unique strategies and techniques from my experience & now they help others rise up to!I TOOK MASSIVE ACTION35,000 decisions each day. Life is not passive. Just as I take lucid action in my dreams, I practice living lucidly & execute breakthroughs in business!Living a purposeful life isn't easy.It takes courage to want to make your dreams a reality.But you DESERVE to dream big.Everything you need is already within.You've got this.Love & lucidity,Lana
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Welcome friend! Glad you are here!
October 11, 2021

Most people I interact with think I'm an asshole, don't take my remark personally
October 11, 2021

That's awesome. 

October 12, 2021

and don't get comfortable shoot for the moon to many people get too comfortable but ether way amazing job
November 12, 2021