on October 3, 2021
Strain Cougar piss 2 plants out of 6 are doing terrible.
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I am almost ready to toss them in to flower it seems that is the what they want.I just wonder if they have some auto genitic in them.I have tried everything I know to fix them.I even repotted them I soil I know I great stuff.Ph Is good not much left to do to fix them.I really need ideas. I have 6 b... View More
Like October 3, 2021
I have had same shit happen with some seeds this spring was all done full bud 7/1 could not fig it out no matter what i did 24hour light. Low ppm high ppm so i just put the out side an the finished just fine
Like October 3, 2021
I figured out that cour was my problem
Like November 20, 2021