on September 17, 2021
So this pale mushroom that quickly grew after a 3rd flush feels thickkk almost rubber whats going on? (Not fully dehydrated clearly) can i partake? And would love knowlege on the odd color reason. Aserscenes on red mulch but grew at room temps with cool humidity
Dimension: 4096 x 3072
File Size: 3.16 Mb
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Or is it just what azerscenes look like and my first 3 flushes well schizophrenic. Ive been dealing with the elves. No dmt just stress its kinda wierd
Like September 17, 2021
Looking back remembering the trip i had of this one mushroom. I give my mom all credit for i gave up on the mycelium but my mom was like i bet i cab still get somethig From it.. well she did she got one mushroom. That one mushroom turned into what definitely felt like a 8 hour ferriswheel ride. Than... View More
Like October 5, 2021
Lucky charms
Im so confused is this a cubensis named azerscenes. The name is close to azurescens anfdthat a today different family all together
Like October 5, 2021