on August 10, 2021
This was over a year and a half ago. I was completely strung out at the time and the sweet pupper in the photo belonged to my best friend. They're both gone from this Earth now and I miss them both deeply every single day. Would've posted a picture of the both of us, if I had any. We just never took a lot of photos together and the ones we did take are lost somewhere or another. It's just crazy to think about how much can change in a short amount of time. Hug the people you love and cherish the time you get to spend with them because you never truly know. That's a lesson I wish I didn't have to learn the hard way. Mush love everybody. Bless.
Dimension: 1080 x 2300
File Size: 2.68 Mb
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Mush love Mr. Eagle. Thank you for all the good vibes you bring here. Always knows how to brighten my day
Like August 10, 2021
Your not alone!!!
Like August 10, 2021
Big love for every single one of you!
Like August 10, 2021
Stay strong yo
Like August 11, 2021