on August 4, 2021
Dont know why but the plant never really grew and now idk if itll yield anything
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 8.2 Mb
5 people like this.
Like August 4, 2021
Yes during first grow in first month i do 24hrs then next 2 months 18 on 6 off then i go for the 12/12. Mothers stay in 24 hrs.
Like August 4, 2021
Fever dream
That one hit finna get you high as hell tho that mfr frosty lol i had a shorty i only got an 8th out of once was some of the best i ever smoked tbh
Like August 5, 2021
Ye i plan on getting a grow op setup. Gonna start using auto flowers and yes just this little guy stanks up my room lol
Like August 8, 2021