on July 22, 2021
Thawing out some of my most special huachuma for tomorrow. Let my patience and gratitude multiply, let my love exponentiate, let my grudges be relinquished, and let my heart be filled. This one has been a long time coming.
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 3.02 Mb
14 people like this.
Oh very nice.
Like July 22, 2021
Ok, i havent heard of this one yet. Whats huachuma? I'm guessing its not alcohol. Also what does it do for you? I'm always quorius when it comes to new substances.
Like July 22, 2021
Huachuma is the name for the san pedro cactus brew. I use the name huachuma out of respect for the ancient culture who discovered the power in the cactus. They only started calling it san pedro to appease the christian spaniards
Like July 22, 2021 Edited