Fever dream
on July 12, 2021
Dimension: 1242 x 1221
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I can't agree with the idea that it is that easy to be released from past mistakes - let's say I steal $1k from someone. I should always be under the obligation to put that right. I can't just say a prayer and everything is OK.
Like July 13, 2021
Fever dream
Sounds like setting that $1k right is doing better and being better… you would have to allow yourself the room to heal yourself from stealing that in the first place to even consider paying it back. Im not really seeing in this post where it says jUsT SaY a PrAyeR aNd EvErYtHiNg Is OkAY. Maybe some ... View More
Like July 13, 2021 Edited
What I got from this affirmation - "I release the idea that I have to suffer"
Like July 13, 2021
Fever dream
Right^ lol homeboy pretty much read it as he wanted to interpret it so he could come into the comments and gripe about it lool
Like July 13, 2021