on July 4, 2021
‘MDMA (ecstasy) POWDER’ found to contain: 25C-NBOMe, a synthetic hallucinogen; and 4-fluoroamphetamine, a stimulant
There have been several hospitalisations within the past week from 25C-NBOMe sold as light brown MDMA powder.
~~Know the risks~~
• 25C-NBOMe is a potent hallucinogenic drug that can cause vivid hallucinations, violence, fear and agitation that may lead to accidents or harm to self and others. These drugs are potent and can be life-threatening.
• 4-fluoroamphetamine causes similar effects to MDMA and amphetamine.
~~Effects to look out for~~
Serious adverse effects may include violent behaviour, vivid hallucinations, fever, agitation, derealisation and depersonalization
You are at increased risk of harm:
• If you use drugs alone
• As your dose increases
•If you use with other substances that cause hallucinations e.g. LSD, ketamine; or stimulants e.g. MDMA, cocaine or methamphetamine.
~~Getting Help~~
If you see the warning signs of unexpected drug reactions:
• Seek help immediately from your nearest emergency department or call Triple Zero (000).
• Start CPR if someone is not breathing
~~How can you protect yourself?~~
❌Don’t use alone. ❌
???? Make sure your friends know what you thought you were taking, and that they are comfortable calling an ambulance. ????
????????If you’re using a new batch, start out with a small dose.????????
✌????Be extra careful if you’re mixing different drugs. ✌????
????Use reagent drug testing kits: https://www.nuaa.org.au/nuaa-blog/drug-testing-kits ????
????It is also becoming common for substances to be contaminated with opioids. All drug users should get fentanyl test strips (free via: https://www.nuaa.org.au/nsp-equipment-1) and naloxone (it reverses opioid overdose and is free via NUAA's NSP, or https://yourroom.health.nsw.gov.au/getting-help/Pages/Naloxone.aspx)????
~~Support and advice~~
For free and confidential advice:
• Call Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) on 1800 250 015 at any time 24/7. Start a Web Chat with an ADIS counsellor Mon-Fri, 8.30am-5pm.
• Call NUAA on 1800 644 413 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) to speak to a peer or visit www.nuaa.org.au for a range of resources.
• Call the NSW Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 for information on adverse effects from drugs.
• Visit Your Room for fact sheets and other resources.
~~Connect with the drug-using community – We’re safer together. ~~
• Stay up to date with drug alerts and peer-led harm reduction information by following NUAA & DanceWize NSW on social media.
• If you want non-judgemental support from an experienced member of the drug-using community, contact NUAA & DanceWize NSW’s PeerLine by calling 1800 644 413 or messaging us on social media.
~~Take Home Naloxone program~~
• It is becoming more common for substances to be contaminated with opioids.
• Signs include loss of consciousness, slow/difficult breathing, skin turning blue.
• Anyone who uses drugs can get naloxone, which reverses opioid overdose.
• Naloxone is free, for participating locations and more information:
• Call '000' even if naloxone has been administered.
~~Further Updates~~
Further updates about this drug alert will be available via: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/aod/public-drug-alerts/Pages/mdma-containing-nbome-fa-jul21.aspx
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14 people like this.
buddy of mine popped two perk thirtys. Thank fuck hes a fat ass because he actually took pressed fent and over dosed but his size slowed the absorption long enough that he was saved
Like July 4, 2021
Lucky charms
This is why i keep a full panel kit on hand even if i dont take part in The activities atleast i know my friends are being safe thank you for the heads up kb im sure ill run into this soon enough if i do ill post results
Like July 4, 2021
Good stuff @KB this why we have to teach the youth to test, test and test!! I explain this to my 13-year-old niece and her mom was pissed at me. I told her the truth if you’re going to use drugs use them responsibly with the right people around you. test them first because there’s lots of people th... View More
Like July 4, 2021
Harm reduction is something that I take serious I take to heart, I couldn't imagine something happened to any of you or anyone you know due to dirty and bad drugs. During the end of '90s when I lived in Chicago and I was in the rave scene big time my rave name used to be Florence Nightingale..... Yo... View More
Like July 4, 2021 Edited