on July 3, 2021
São Paulo from the air, then NYC from the air... Jesus, what a fucking journey. I'm back here, but my heart definitely stayed in Brazil.
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File Size: 3.9 Mb
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crashedfx that must be a bit of shock to come back home!
Like July 4, 2021
Oh yeah, more than a shock. But i bought a piece of land there tho, in few years will move permanently. Plant medicines (with exception of weed) are legal there, so like will plant peyote, san pedro, aya vine, chacruna, everywhere. Lol
Like July 7, 2021
Oh and mushies are legal too, so large scale farming is definitely plausible.
Like July 7, 2021
Very cool! Sounds like you are on a nice path 1f600.png
Like July 9, 2021