on July 2, 2021
Me and my big brother about 28 years ago. We had such a great brotherhood as children and we still do! Me and him have both dealt with addiction, even having recent relapses. But we are so proud of eachother for just trying our best to keep our spirits up and not giving up hope. About 12 years ago me and my uncle and aunt woke up to my 16 year old cousin dead from an accidental overdose. Every time I think of my cousin, I remember how her smile warmed my heart. Her life was a gift to all who knew and loved her. All this makes me think how precious a gift life is.
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Me and my brother are still best of friends. He surprises me more over the year but I felt terrible for him since he has been suffering chronic migraines. He had a hell of a life trying to go to school while always being sick. I tried to advise him to smoke weed but my parents are overly conserved a... View More
Like May 16, 2022 Edited
ChernobylMyco that’s good that you guys are helping each other out. A kind big brother is a divine gift for sure.
Like May 16, 2022