on June 22, 2021
Yay goodies :D
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7 people like this.
Jo smith
That Aztecorum looks intriguing. Didn't know those existed until a few days ago. Willy Myco talks about them in a recent video of his.
Like June 22, 2021
laurajean78 Im A Funguy! Hehe i need a shroom queen to teach me the ways
Like June 22, 2021
Edward Scissorhands
Not hating because I've been there up until like last year... but for the cost of that loot, you could have the gear to grow tons of mushrooms for like a dollar a dried ounce or less. It's also far more rewarding.
Like June 22, 2021
Oh i will grow my own once i set up my house for my son and I, then im gonna grow a bunch of sacred medicines
Like June 22, 2021