Fever dream
on June 21, 2021
Dimension: 828 x 803
File Size: 39.21 Kb
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Fever dream
Do you have to take tolorence breaks every now and then?
Like June 24, 2021
Jo smith
laurajean78 how much do you normally take for a microdose?
Like June 24, 2021
Jo smith
I should try that amount. Usually I do .4 but sometimes it's a bit much and I get anxious.
Like June 24, 2021
Jo smith
I'm way too inconsistent to know if it's variety related or not. One day I'll take Pe, then the next day it's Albinos, then Maza.... But now I'm going to pay more attention to that. I definitely need to get a capsule machine, too. Thanks for the info, it's much appreciated.
Like June 24, 2021