on June 28, 2019
First trip on acid:
I started with one tab; 250ugs of acid. I was with a friend, 2am. Parked in a field. Clear night full of stars. It was our first time. 30 minutes in the colours seemed to be more brighter, it was almost as if I could see more clearly in the dark. The trees in front of me seemed to be breathing. Everything was becoming curved, it was like I was in a dome. Suddenly the car seemed to be getting bigger. The music seemed to be sucking me in. Everything becoming louder. With a distant echo in the background. We had rolled joints beforehand. I’m glad we did because everything was moving at this point. An hour and half in. We smoked, you could see multiple shades of grey, the smoke going in funny patterns. It felt as though I was smoking nothing, it didn’t get me high. But it did trip me out more. I was floating in my body. I felt like a cloud. I was to engrossed looking inside that when I finally looked outside, the trees seemed to be right next to us. It looked pretty evil, like it was trying to grab the car.
We got out car. The floor was muddy. It was as though we could sink in if we let ourselves. We had only walked for a few minutes and when we looked back it seemed as though the car was so far away. We were walking on a path which magically became a bridge. There were flickers of diamonds everywhere. I could see peacocks in the trees. The most interesting thing was my body and thoughts were in compartments. It was as though I could fall into certain feelings. If I thought of something funny, the humour was intensified. It’s how you perceive things which effect your trip.
Watching the sunrise was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. The sun seemed to be melting into the sky, Orange and yellow just flickering out at me. It felt warm, a comforting sorta feeling. I spent most of my time just walking through the park. Just watching night become day. Seeing everything around me being magical. My friend, I hallucinated his face turning into a soldier and this weird gremlin looking thing. It was a funny and wonderful experience. Since then I’ve probably taken acid 30 more times. Just thought I’d post a lil something. Guess this is a little introduction ????
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Music is the best on LSD! It's like you get a chance to hear it for the first time and you hear things in the songs you may have never noticed! Much more detailed.
Like June 28, 2019
Jeffrey Loubouski
Awesome! Far out Man!
Like June 28, 2019