on June 11, 2021
This is the finest weed I've ever smoked in my life, purple haze strain
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IamUrMe, yeah Im in Brazil, what do you mean ? If we smoke indoors or.outoodrs ? Depends bro, sometimes I like to smoke while walking sometimes I just want to lay down and smoke while watching something, weed here is illegal but decriminalized, it is not usual to be arrested for smoking it, you can ... View More
Like June 15, 2021
@origamaster i ment grown indoors with lights or outdoors with the sun But i dont mind your info anyway brother 1f642.png
Like June 15, 2021 Edited
Good dam that would make lovely hash
Like June 15, 2021
IamUrMe, you can do both, depends on the state actually, at north and north east is kind of diffict without a hidroponic farm, but the rest of the country you can grow outdoor easily
Like June 15, 2021