on June 11, 2021
Week and a half ago thought I was going to go off to work for a week would have had to let cakes unintended. So I put them outside and broke them down this morning raised the deal I had over the cakes to find mushies. Got to love nature can't remember if this was Cambodian or golden teacher though leaning to Cambodian
Dimension: 4608 x 3456
File Size: 7.28 Mb
14 people like this.
Like June 11, 2021
Never tried to make tea but is on my list though
Like June 12, 2021
Once you trip tea I’d bet you’d never wanna trip shrooms by eating them ever again. It feels…..cleaner? That’s the best way I can ever describe it. The fact that you get the drug in you without the actual fruits is what makes it feel better IMO. Great pile tho!
Like June 12, 2021