on June 10, 2021
Big shout out to for this beautiful cutting. Shipping was super fast, and he hooked me up with some incense. Great dude to buy a clipping from. Again thank you brother, she's in good hands.
Dimension: 4032 x 1960
File Size: 2.47 Mb
9 people like this.
I am intersted
Like June 10, 2021
Thanks for being cool about letting the cut heal! And i know it will be well taken care of by a budding cactus freak. The incense were because you entered my giveaway though, just to be clear =] everyone who enetered and gave me their shipping info got some. But i hope you like em!
Like June 10, 2021
This is the one.. I want something like this. Pm sent.. When you get it like that can you just plant it in some soil? Without any other steps involved?
Like June 11, 2021 Edited
He is definitely your man if your looking for for sure pachanoi. Theres not much to it. Bury it A half inch or so in the soil and leave it until it roots. About 2 weeks later start watering it lightly. Damp at best, it should take off no problem. Make sure its a fast draining soil, preferably somrth... View More
Like June 11, 2021