on June 9, 2021
Here goes nothing ;)
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 4.48 Mb
11 people like this.
First time ive ever bacled out of a Acid trip, I Feel dirty lol
Like June 9, 2021
Nah just means you are taking the seriousness of your trip and your intentions with it.
Like June 10, 2021
I will have my son for the next couple days, saturday he goes back with his mother for 3 days, and saturday night i will Drop it(when i get back to the house and am alone)
Like June 10, 2021
I always prefer taking hallucinogens while I'm completely alone, I don't even enjoy to have friends there. Although someday I would like to find a partner whom I feel comfortable tripping on anything with.
Like June 10, 2021