on June 6, 2021
Don't know if anyone cares here or not. But I found out my little buddies are clones from these cacti right here. Kind of blows my mind, but the landscaper that had to redo his lot after he died. Sold off the cacti, my old hippie friend bought 20+ of these bad boys. Add 10 years and here I am with A clone. This world works in crazy ways.
Dimension: 1080 x 2220
File Size: 696.22 Kb
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Maybe it looks like we have no time but if we experience life in multiple incarnations we should expect it may take more than one go to fully realize our soul purpose and power. If one reaches Satori it is said that it is as if all previous incarnations also reach satori simultaneously so time doesn... View More
Like June 6, 2021
Joey Green
Anything is possible ..... its just that not everything is probable. Im just a bit of an oddity in that Ive always lived life with one foot in the realm of possibilities territory ..... and the other upon the more physical territory of probabilities ..... as I waste much energy and effort trying to... View More
Like June 6, 2021
I’m curious as to how Duncan turns you off.
Like June 7, 2021
Joey Green
Not terribly so .... its not something I can put my finger on exactly ..... perhaps his mannerisms are somewhat feminized maybe? IDK ..... Sometimes he just rubs me the wrong way .... othertimes not so much Not a deal breaker, its just that sometimes I can only enjoy his ramblings in smaller doses.
Like June 8, 2021