on June 6, 2021
Man it was surreal to be in a crowd again. So many faces, so many hugs, so much smiling. When we got to the venue we were standing in line to get tickets. When we were about to walk up to the box office some older dudes walked up and offered to give us 2 tickets that they had for a couple friends that didnt show up. Those dudes were super cool and we offered to smoke them down and buy them drinks but they declined on the basis that they were just sharing some love. And plenty love was felt. Especially by the random dude who asked to toss some frisbee with us. The smells of patchouli, dank weed, cigarettes, and b.o. sometimes took a back seat to the smell of the sun setting on the ohio river, which you can see in the background of the pic. That also happens to be the area in which the ovoids in the other picture were foraged (by a friend). No words can really explain how full my heart is. But there is definitely some mysterious method to this madness of life. I cannot fucking WAIT to see what the summer brings.
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nope thats not riverbend its called riverfront live. It's a pretty new spot, maybe like 3 years old. The band was dopapod and yes, they know how to fuck
Like June 6, 2021
Interesting, ill hafta look that venue up. Haha of course! I shoulda known. Hope they crushed it man.
Like June 6, 2021
Dopapod on ovoids?! GTFO!!!! I know that was awesome
Like June 6, 2021
Joey Green
And people still boldly claim magic isnt real! Pfffft!!! Blind fools! Synchronicities, seemingly random events that end up leading to undeniably magical experiences that go way, waaay beyond coincidence, the witnessing of and participating in random acts of selflessness and unbelievable acts of ki... View More
Like June 6, 2021